Learning Education Activities Program

Learning Education Activities Program


The Learning Education Activities Program (L.E.A.P.) is a partnership that includes the school, parents and the community in building the capacity of children to succeed academically and socially.


LEAP offers students an opportunity to connect with students from different classes and grade levels beyond the school day.

As part of PCA’s commitment to educating the whole child, this program is initiated by staff and student interests to ensure each student has the opportunity to learn and explore. These programs are offered in the fall and spring of each school year. 

Previous LEAP Offered

  • Pet Care
  • Flag Football
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Soccer
  • Cheer
  • Fabric Dying
  • Volleyball
  • Cooking

For more information on PCA’s LEAP, please contact Nicole Cooper - nicole.cooper@pca.k12.de.us 

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