Grant Information

Title I Funds

Providence Creek Academy is currently awarded Title I funds through the Delaware Department of Education. PCA continuously evaluates the needs of its students to determine the best uses of these funds. 

PCA utilized these funds to employ a Reading Specialist, Math Specialist, and provide supplies for McKinney-Vento qualifying students. 

For more information on the school’s Title I funds, please contact Rachael Straightiff.

PCA welcomes feedback on the school’s Title I funds! Parents, students, and the community are able to provide feedback by attending annual Title I meetings or filling out the form here.

For additional information, please review PCA's Title I Information and Meeting Invite.

PCA Annual Title I Meeting: August 24, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.- Agenda may be found here.


Opportunity Fund Information

 PCA currently utilizes Opportunity Fund for the Dean of Academics. PCA's Opportunity Fund Expenditure Report for FY23 can be found here.

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