10/19 Announcement
Today is Thursday, October 19th, 2023
Today is Day 5 of Specials
For Breakfast: Apple Frudel, a side of fruit, and Milk
For Lunch: Turkey Rice Soup w/crackers, String cheese, Carrot sticks, a side of fruit, and milk.
JNHS is doing a clothing drive from now until 11/3. Please consider donating lightly used Jackets, gloves, scarves, etc.
Tutoring will begin on Monday, October 23rd all contracts must be signed and turned in to Ms. Brewer no later than October 20th
Football has an away game tonight against Seaford
Cross Country has a tri-meet tonight against Redding & Waters
Soccer has a home game (FSMA) tonight against Campus Community
Attention Students… Lost and Found trees are located in all 3 buildings. Tables will be cleared off the last Friday of every month.
Attention Students… If you bring electronics to PCA they must be locked in a locker from 7:45 am-3:30 pm. Unless permitted by your teacher. PCA is not responsible for lost or stolen electronics.
WDSD FM (92.9)
WSTW FM (93.7)
WDOV AM (1410)
WDEL AM (1150)
WBOC Channel 2- Salisbury
WCAU Channel 10- Philadelphia
In order to receive a text, phone call, and/or email for closings, delays, early dismissals, or emergencies, please make sure that you sign up for the Department of Education’s school notification system by computer only. Please visit the following website to register: https://denotificationservices.bbcportal.com/