11/14 Announcement

November 14, 2023 / 5 mins read

Today is Tuesday, November 14th, 2023

Today is Day 3 of Specials

For Breakfast: Mini Powder Sugar Donuts, a side of fruit, and Milk

For Lunch: Turkey Tacos, Broccoli, a side of fruit, and milk.

PCA’s Thanksgiving Feast will be held tomorrow Wednesday, November 15th. PTO has purchased every PCA student a meal. Guests are $5 each and must pay with cash or check

Cafe will be serving Roast Rurkey w/gravy, mashed potatoes, corn bread stuffing, and a choice of pumpkin pie or apple crumble

Class schedule:

Kindergarten 9:50-10:20

5th 10:30-11:00

6th 11:00-11:30

7th/8th 11:30-12:00

1st 12:00-12:30

3rd 12:30-1:00

4th 1:00-130

2nd 1:30-2:00

*All parents and family members are welcom. If attending please sign in at the main office with a valid picture ID. Please allow 10-15min for sign in.

Girls' Basketball will be held in the gym from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. in the Gym.

Boys Basketball tryouts will be held in the gym from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Please have your DIAA physical ready.

No School November 20th - November 24th

Attention Students… Lost and Found trees are located in all 3 buildings. Tables will be cleared off the last Friday of every month.


Attention Students… If you bring electronics to PCA they must be locked in a locker from 7:45 am-3:30 pm. Unless permitted by your teacher. PCA is not responsible for lost or stolen electronics.



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WDOV AM (1410)
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WBOC Channel 2- Salisbury
WCAU Channel 10- Philadelphia


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